

作    者:阙明坤 王佳桐 周 瑜
单    位:无锡太湖学院;浙江大学教育学院;浙江师范大学教师教育学院;浙江越秀外国语学院国际商学院
基金项目:国家社科基金十三五规划2020年度教育学一般项目“我国独立学院转设风险防范和推进机制研 究”
摘    要:
公益创业是采用市场化手段创造社会价值的过程。我国民办高校发展中始终面临着资源约 束和政策约束双重挑战。从公益创业的理论视角观之,民办高校是我国市场化改革背景下兴起的、兼 具公益性与商业性的混合型组织,其实质是采用市场化手段提供教育服务的创业产物。民办高校的发 展兼具公益性、市场化和创业性三大特征,同时又受到公益和市场双重逻辑的影响。双重逻辑的良性互 补,既可以实现公益性和商业性的共融共生,又保证学校存活壮大且不发生“使命漂移”。

Mission Drift and Value Persistence of Private Universities from the Perspective of Social Entrepreneurship

Author's Name: QUE Ming-kun WANG Jia-tong ZHOU Yu
Social entrepreneurship is a process of creating social value by means of marketization. Private universities in China are always confronted with the dual challenges of resource constraints and policy constraints. From the perspective of social entrepreneurship theory, private universities are hybrid organizations that have both public welfare and commercial nature under the background of China's market-oriented reform. In essence, they are the entrepreneurial products of providing educational services by using market-oriented means. The development of private universities has the characteristics of public welfare, marketization and entrepreneurship. At the same time, it is influenced by the dual logic of public welfare and market. The dual logic complementation can realize the coexistence of public welfare and commercial nature and ensure the survival and growth of the universities without mission drift.
Keywords: social entrepreneurship; private universities; mission drift; value

主办单位:湖南大学.中国机械工业教育协会 版权所有《大学教育科学》编辑部
地址:湖南长沙湖南大学 邮编:410082 电话:0731-88821123 苏ICP备09078051号-5