
非公费师范生在读期间从教意愿动态变化的影响因素 ——基于典型个案的扎根理论分析

作    者:钟云华 张 维
单    位:湖南师范大学乡村教育研究中心;湖南师范大学教育科学学院
基金项目:湖南省2020年教学改革课题“关键教学事件对师范生从教意愿动态变化的影响机制及其有效 利用研究”
摘    要:
以H省三所地方本科师范院校应届非公费师范毕业生为研究对象,采用扎根理论分析非公 费师范生高等教育在读期间,从入学之初至毕业前夕从教意愿动态变化的类型、影响因素和作用机制。 研究发现,非公费师范生在读期间从教意愿动态变化共有积极稳定型、正向转变型、负向逆差型和消 极维持型四种,其主要影响因素有关键教学事件、重要他人、人格特征、兴趣和职业引力五种。此五种 影响因素的作用机制是,五类因素都通过中介因素间接对非公费师范生从教意愿产生影响:重要他人 影响从教主观规范,关键教学事件影响从教行为态度和从教知觉行为控制,人格特征影响从教知觉 行为控制,兴趣和职业引力影响从教行为态度,进而从教主观规范、从教行为态度和从教知觉行为控 制形成合力导致非公费师范生从教意愿动态变化。基于研究结论,研究提出发挥重要他人主观规范效 应、强化关键教学事件的影响、塑造师范生健全人格和提升教师职业吸引力等一系列政策建议。

Influencing Factors for the Dynamic Change of NonPublic Funded Normal Students’ Willingness to Teach During Their Study: A Grounded Theory Analysis Based on Typical Cases

Author's Name: ZHONG Yun-hua ZHANG Wei
This study takes the non-public funded normal senior students from three local normal universities as the research object, and uses the grounded theory to analyze the types, influencing factors and working mechanism of the dynamic changes of non-public funded normal students’ willingness to teach from the beginning of enrollment to the day of graduation. The research findings show that there are four types of dynamic changes of non-public funded normal students’ willingness to teach during their study: positive stability, positive transformation, negative deficit and negative maintenance. The main influencing factors include key teaching events, important others, personality characteristics, interest and professional attraction. These five factors indirectly affect the non-public funded normal students' willingness to teach through intermediary factors, important others affect the subjective norms of teaching, key teaching events affect the attitude and perceived behavior control of teaching, personality characteristics affect the perceived behavior control of teaching, interest and professional attraction affect the attitude of teaching behavior, and then. The combination of the subjective norms of teaching teaching behavior attitude and teaching perceived behavior control leads to the dynamic change of non-public funded normal students' willingness to teach. Based on the research conclusion, the study puts forward a series of policy suggestions, such as giving play to the subjective normative effect of important others, strengthening the influence of key teaching events, shaping normal students' sound personality and improving teachers' professional attraction.
Keywords: non-public funded normal students; willingness to teach; influencing factors; dynamic changes; mechanism of action

主办单位:湖南大学.中国机械工业教育协会 版权所有《大学教育科学》编辑部
地址:湖南长沙湖南大学 邮编:410082 电话:0731-88821123 苏ICP备09078051号-5