

作    者:朱恬恬 杨 菲 张跃军
单    位:湖南大学教育科学研究院;湖南大学工商管理学院
摘    要:
科技创新是“双一流”建设的重中之重,然而“双一流”政策对我国高校科技资源配置水平及 其地区差异的影响尚不明晰。基于我国2010~2019年31个省份的高校科技资源数据,运用CRITIC赋 权法和Dagum基尼系数分解法测算高校综合科技资源配置指数及其地区差异,并构建双重差分模型 探讨“双一流”建设政策的影响。研究发现:第一,我国高校科技资源从丰富到匮乏依次为东部、东北、 中部和西部地区;第二,我国高校科技资源配置差异主要来源是地区间差异,其次是地区内部差异与交 叉重叠效应;第三,2015年后高校科技资源配置东部“一枝独秀”现象仍较为明显,但西部与其他地区 资源配置差距有所缓解;第四,“双一流”建设政策的实施显著提升了高校综合科技资源配置量,尤其 是科技人力资源配置量,但也加剧了四大地区内部高校科技人力资源配置的不均衡。

The Allocation Level and Regional Difference of University Science and Technology Resources Under the "Double First-Class" Policy

Author's Name: ZHU Tian-tian YANG Fei ZHANG Yue-jun
Science and technology innovation is the top priority of double first-class construction, but the impact of double first-class policy on the allocation level and regional difference of science and technology resources in Chinese universities are still unclear. Based on the data of university science and technology resources in 31 provinces from 2010 to 2019, this research uses the CRITIC method and Dagum Gini coefficient to quantify the index and regional gap of comprehensive science and technology resources, and develops the difference-in-differences model to investigate the influence of double first-class policy. The empirical results indicate that: first of all, during the sample period, science and technology resources in Chinese universities are from rich to poor in the eastern, northeastern, central and western regions. Secondly, the main source of disparity in science and technology resources allocation of universities in China is inter-regional differences, then intra-regional differences and overlapping effects. Thirdly, after 2015, the phenomenon of outshining others in science and technology resources allocation of universities in the east is still obvious, but the disparity in resources allocation between western regions and other regions has been alleviated. Finally, double first-class policy has significantly improved the comprehensive science and technology resources allocation of universities, especially the science and technology human resources allocation. However, it has intensified the imbalance of science and technology human resources allocation of universities in the four regions
Keywords: double first-class construction of universities; science and technology resources; CRITIC method; Dagum Gini coefficient; difference-in-differences method

主办单位:湖南大学.中国机械工业教育协会 版权所有《大学教育科学》编辑部
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