

作    者:陈 亮 倪 静
单    位:陕西师范大学教育学部;四川外国语大学高等教育研究所;西南大学教育学部
摘    要:
以智能社会、算法社会、绿色社会为愿景的社会转型让应用知识(技术)更具“社会弥散 性”,这是应用学科生存的“社会基础”。应用学科亟需将社会问题和市场规律纳入学科发展的合法 性结构。应用学科“社会价值”的彰显,必须解决学科“分—聚”结构的“社会断层”问题,以结构化改 革理路构建一个更具包容力、阐释力和应变力的学科建设“社会框架”。它以“社会需要”为逻辑起点, 驱动学科由分到聚;以“社会贡献”为逻辑终点,指向学科由聚到用;以“社会创新”为逻辑中介,实现 学科由用到创。最终,应用学科以其宏阔的“社会视阈”构成“分—聚—用—创(分)”的动态循环结 构,真正让应用学科“聚而有用”“用而再用”。

From Division to Synthesis: The Social Logic of the Applied Disciplines Construction

Author's Name: CHEN Liang NI Jing
Applied knowledge (technology) has been endowed with increasing social dispersion through the social transformation with the vision of intelligent society, algorithmic society, and green society, which are the social foundations for the existence of applied disciplines. Applied disciplines urgently need to incorporate social problems and market laws into the legitimacy structure of discipline development. To demonstrate the social value of applied disciplines, it is necessary to solve the problem of social faults in the distribution-aggregation structure of disciplines, and to build a more inclusive, interpretive and adaptable social framework for discipline construction through structural reform. This framework takes social needs as the logical beginning to drive disciplines from division to synthesis while social contribution as the logical end to propel disciplines from synthesis into application, in which social innovation as the logical medium leads to the realization of disciplines from application to innovation. Finally, with its broad social perspective, applied disciplines are expected to form a dynamic cyclic structure of division—synthesis—application— innovation (division), which may truly help applied disciplines to be synthesized, utilized and reused.
Keywords: discipline construction; applied disciplines; social logic; the division to synthesis structure; technical value; legal value; moral value

主办单位:湖南大学.中国机械工业教育协会 版权所有《大学教育科学》编辑部
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