

作    者:刘 晖 张甜甜 张艳芳
单    位:广州大学教育学院;广州大学音乐舞蹈学院
基金项目:2021年度教育部人文社科青年基金项目“基于利益相关者理论的中国高校学术不端治理体系 构建研究”
摘    要:
大学在学术生产力表现愈发卓越的同时,面临着学术“太自由”与学术“不自由”之边界的困 局。以学术失范丛生为表现形式的学术“太自由”反映了学术制度在严守学术伦理底线、规范学术行为 方面的缺陷;以学术管理过于精细化与数字化为表现形式的学术“不自由”问题反映了学术制度在激发 学术活力、鼓励学术创新方面的缺陷。在工具理性僭越甚至取代价值理性的现代化进程中,学术制度 衍生的负面效应最终也只能通过制度建构方式来淡化。在洞悉学术制度内在逻辑的基础上,从价值、 文化、工具维度优化大学学术制度,既是当代学者的救赎之途,也是现代大学的升华之路。

Dilemma and Breakthrough: The Boundary of Academic Freedom in the Construction of University Academic System

Author's Name: LIU Hui ZHANG Tian-tian ZHANG Yan-fang
Universities are facing the dilemma of the boundary between academic "excessive freedom" and academic "no freedom" while their academic productivity is becoming more and more outstanding. The academic excessive freedom in the form of academic anomie reflects the defects of academic system in strictly adhering to the outcome of academic ethics and standardizing academic behavior. The problem of academic "no freedom" in the form of excessive refinement and digital academic management reflects the defects of academic system in stimulating academic vitality and encouraging academic innovation. In the process of modernization in which instrumental rationality oversteps or even replaces value rationality, the negative effects derived from academic systems can only be weakened through institutional system construction. Based on the insights into the internal logic of academia, optimizing the university academic system from the dimensions of value, culture and tools to deal with and to prevent the possible irrational risks caused by instrumental rationality is not only the salvation way of contemporary scholars, but also the way of sublimation of modern universities.
Keywords: university academic system; academic freedom; academic anomie; instrumental rationality; value rationality

主办单位:湖南大学.中国机械工业教育协会 版权所有《大学教育科学》编辑部
地址:湖南长沙湖南大学 邮编:410082 电话:0731-88821123 苏ICP备09078051号-5