
恢复高考的复原与探新 ——兼论77、78级大学生的构成与际遇

作    者:刘海峰
单    位:浙江大学教育学院;厦门大学考试研究中心
摘    要:
恢复高考是一个过程。恢复高考的高层决策,充分反映出邓小平作为一个英明领导人过人 的胆识、智慧和谋略。邓小平之所以会力主公布高考分数,与他以国家社稷为重、以人民为重的领袖风 范和反对“走后门”的高风亮节与勇气有关。恢复高考沿用或复原了“文革”前以考试选拔大学生、直 接招收应届高中生、重视政审和体检、重点大学优先录取的办法,也有冬季考试春季入学、各省命题 标准不一、地市评卷和初选、放宽政审条件、临时扩大招生、招收走读生等创新与变革的部分。77、78级 大学生的构成有来源复杂多样、成绩差别较大、女生比例较低、热衷基础学科等特点。77、78级大学生 群体曾经成为各行各业的中流砥柱,在风云际会的年代叱咤风云,深度参与了中国改革开放、大国崛 起的进程,在中国当代史上已经是一个“现象级”的存在。

Restoration and Exploration of the Gaokao Resumption: Discussion on the Composition and Fortune of 1977 and 1978 Class University Students

Author's Name: LIU Hai-feng
Restoring the Gaokao (college entrance examination) is a process. The high-level decision to restore the Gaokao fully reflects DENG Xiao-ping's extraordinary courage, wisdom, and strategy. The reason why DENG Xiaoping insisted on the release of scores was related to the leadership style of putting the interests of nation and people first, and his high-spiritedness and courage to oppose going through the back door. The method of selecting university students by examination, directly recruiting fresh high school students, attaching importance to political review and physical examination, and giving priority to admission to key universities before the “Cultural revolution” had been reinstated or restored. There are also some innovative and revolutionary parts, such as winter examination and spring entrance, different standard of proposition, city assessment and primary election, relaxing political condition, expanding enrollment temporarily, recruiting day students. The composition of the 1977 and 1978 grade college students has the characteristics of complex and diverse sources, large differences in performance, low proportion of female students, and enthusiasm for basic subjects. These students immediately became the mainstay of all walks of life. They were all-powerful in the era of turbulent times. They deeply participated in the process of China's reform and opening-up policy and the rise of great powers. They have become a phenomenal existence in the contemporary history of China.
Keywords: restoration of Gaokao; DENG Xiao-ping; the university students of 1977; the university students of 1978

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