

作    者:余小波 张欢欢
单    位:湖南大学
摘    要:
大力提升人才培养质量是高等教育的永恒主题。以人 机交互、无线传感、深度学习和生物智能等为特征的人工智 能正以前所未有的速度和影响力加速冲击着现代生产、生活 的各个领域,也重新定义了高等教育培养的“人”与“才”。 高等教育的人才培养观决定着高等教育发展的方向。人工 智能时代的高等教育亟需树立一种更积极的人才培养观:在 “人”的意义上重视独立思考与主动学习能力、想象力和批 判性思维的价值塑造;在“才”的范畴内通过强化专业教育 夯实“才”的核心根基,辅之以通识教育拓展“才”的成长空 间,并肯定人本价值教育对“才”的精神导向作用,最终实 现“人”“才”培养的价值统一,以此来应对人工智能时代的 “数据流”与“信息流”所带来的种种机遇和挑战,回应时代 的需求、引领时代的发展。

The higher education talent cultivation view in the era of artificial intelligence

Author's Name: YU Xiao-bo ZHANG Huan-huan
Vigorously improving the quality of personnel training is the eternal theme of higher education. Artificial intelligence, characterized by human-computer interaction, wireless sensing, deep learning and biointelligence, is accelerating the impact on the fields of modern production and life with unprecedented speed and influence. It also redefines the concept of “Human” and “Talent” of higher education. The concept of talent cultivation in higher education determines the direction of higher education development. Higher education in the era of artificial intelligence urgently needs to establish a more positive concept of talent cultivation: Paying attention to the value creation of independent thinking and active learning ability, imagination and critical thinking in the sense of “Human” . In the category of “Talent”, we will strengthen the professional education to consolidate the core foundation of “Talent”, supplemented by general education to expand the growth space of “Talent” and affirm the spiritual guiding effect of human value education on it. And cope with the kinds of opportunities and challenges of "data flow" and "information flow" brought about by the artificial intelligence era through the unified value of "Human" and " Talent" training, and respond to the needs of the times, lead the development of the era.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Mega Data; Higher Education; Talent cultivation; Value Education

主办单位:湖南大学.中国机械工业教育协会 版权所有《大学教育科学》编辑部
地址:湖南长沙湖南大学 邮编:410082 电话:0731-88821123 苏ICP备09078051号-5