

作    者:许心
单    位:北京大学教育学院
摘    要:

Reforms and Transformations: British University Grants Committee in the “Post-Robbins Era”

Author's Name: 
In 1963, the publication of the Robbins Report marked the arrival of the "Post-Robbins era". This period has witnessed the rapid expansion of higher education in the UK, when it transferred from elite education to mass education. To meet the needs of development, the University Grants Committee has also undergone a series of reforms and transformations. During the "Post-Robbins era", the University Grants Committee's strategic positioning has been transformed to a more active role, resulting in more responsibilities and heavier workload. Besides, due to the reform of its management agency, the power and influence of the UGC has been greatly diminished. These changes have blurred the UGC's initial role as a "buffer", lowering its previous powerful position in the British higher education. The fact that it has lost power and control also foreshadowed the final decline of the UGC in the 1980s, which is a good lesson for Chinese educational intermediary agencies.
Keywords: the Robbins Report;

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