

作    者:何啸峰, 凌均卫, 邬力祥
单    位:南华大学船山学院;中南大学公共卫生管理学院
摘    要:
摘 要 随着科技更加飞速地发展,大学正面临着一场深刻的革命。大学的改革创新当以坚守其赖以安身立命的大学精神和作为大学人强旺生命的内在灵魂为逻辑起点,应当继承和坚守这些不可丢失的大学优秀传统;大学改革创新的前瞻趋势是:大学教育宗旨将向人文回归,大学人才培养模式和教育教学方式将经多种探索实践而出现重大突破,大学教学内容将由以专业知识为主转向以思维方式与探究方法的训练为主。
关键词:关键词 大学; 改革创新; 逻辑起点; 发展前瞻

Logical Starting Point and Development Prospect in University Reform and Innovation ------Cognition and Reflection on the process of the current development of University

Author's Name: 
Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology, the university is faced with a profound revolution. The logical starting point of the university reform and innovation should be fundamental spirit of long-term sustainability, the inner soul of vigorous university spirit, which should be inherited and adhered to. The prospect of university reform and innovation is as follows: The aim of university education should be more humane; Dramatic breakthroughs are to be realized via exporting and practicing various talent training models and teaching modes; The focus of university teaching content will be transformed from the teaching of professional knowledge to the training of thinking mode and research methods.
Keywords: Key Words: University; reform and innovation; logical starting point; development prospect

主办单位:湖南大学.中国机械工业教育协会 版权所有《大学教育科学》编辑部
地址:湖南长沙湖南大学 邮编:410082 电话:0731-88821123 苏ICP备09078051号-5