

作    者:邬大光 吕 榭
单    位:兰州大学高等教育研究院;厦门大学教师发展中心;厦门大学教育研究院
基金项目:国家社会科学基金教育学重点课题“中国特色、世界水平的一流本科教育建设标准与建设机制研 究”
摘    要:
本科教育是高等教育体系的基础,本科生是接受高等教育人群中最大的学生群体,本科生 成绩单是反映人才培养模式和教学质量的载体之一,有独特的使用价值和适用范围。本科生成绩单是 一个历史现象,其中的每一个符号和要素都是值得研究的课题,蕴藏着极大的研究空间和研究价值。 高等教育进入大众化和普及化阶段以来,成绩单的价值与功用遇到挑战,在我国本科生成绩单中出现 了一些令人费解的现象,诸如“价值理念”缺失和“管理功用”失范等。这些现象亟须得到关注和纠正。 研究本科生成绩单就是探讨如何遵循本科教育教学规律和学生成长规律,深化人才培养模式和教学 改革,重振成绩单的价值与功用。

Value and Function: Undergraduate Transcripts and Teaching Management

Author's Name: WU Da-guang LV Xie
Undergraduate education is the foundation of the higher education system, and undergraduate students are the largest group of students who receive higher education. Undergraduate transcripts are one of the carriers that reflect the talent training model and teaching quality, and have unique use value and scope of application. Undergraduate transcripts are a historical phenomenon, and every symbol and element in it is a worthy topic of study, which contains great research space and research value. Since the popularization and promotion of higher education, the value and function of transcripts have encountered challenges, and some puzzling phenomena have appeared in the transcripts of undergraduates in China, such as the lack of value concept and the anomie of management function. These phenomena need urgent attention and correction by studying the transcripts to explore how to follow the laws of education and teaching, the laws of student growth, deepen the talent training model and teaching reform, and revive the value and function of transcripts.
Keywords: higher education; talent training; teaching management; credit system; undergraduate transcript

主办单位:湖南大学.中国机械工业教育协会 版权所有《大学教育科学》编辑部
地址:湖南长沙湖南大学 邮编:410082 电话:0731-88821123 苏ICP备09078051号-5