

作    者:杜春燕 李小龙
单    位:厦门大学
基金项目:2013年度教育部人文社会科学研究西部规划基金 项目“明清云南科举文献整理及研究”
摘    要:
中国科举民俗文化集中反映了民众对考试,对教育的 理解水平、认同程度、行为方式,具有重要的历史价值与学术 价值。科举民俗文化遗产资源丰富,类型多样,保护难度较 大,宜采用多种方法结合的保护策略,具体做法是:以预防 性保护理念树立“提前”保护意识;以登录保护制度树立“整 体”保护意识,在记录方式上博取众家之长,根据保护类型和 目标,仿照古代方志、古代笔记记录整理,还可采用口述史方 法补充素材。科举民俗文化遗产保护的最终目的是通过技术 层面的多元实践,实现既体现文化传承又反映科学创新,既 有历史内涵又有社会情怀的文化遗产保护目标。

Perspectives and Methods: A Preliminary Study on the Integration of the Protection of the Folk Custom Heritages of the Imperial Examination

Author's Name: DU Chun-yan LI Xiao-long
The folk culture of imperial examinations in China reflects the people's understanding of examinations, the degree of recognition of education, and the way of behavior. It has important historical and academic value. The resources of imperial examination folk cultural heritage are abundant, the types are diverse and the protection is difficult. It is advisable to adopt a variety of protection strategies combined with various methods. The concrete methods are as follows: establish the consciousness of "advance" protection with the concept of preventive protection; establish the consciousness of "overall" protection with the login protection system; gain the expertise of all folks in the way of recording; and imitate ancient local chronicles and ancient pens according to the protection types and objectives. Recording and collating can also be supplemented by oral history. The ultimate goal is to realize the protection of imperial examination folk custome heritage, which reflects both cultural heritage and scientific innovation, as well as historical connotations and social feelings, through diversified practices at the technical level.
Keywords: folk customs of the imperial examination; culture heritage; protection; integration

主办单位:湖南大学.中国机械工业教育协会 版权所有《大学教育科学》编辑部
地址:湖南长沙湖南大学 邮编:410082 电话:0731-88821123 苏ICP备09078051号-5