

作    者:高 慧
单    位:湖北省社会科学院经济研究所
基金项目:国家社科基金(教育学)一般项目“漂移 的学术: 高校教师流动的影响因素与政策改进策略”
摘    要:
流动教师的社会融入对于其实现自身流动的预期增值以 及高校获得并留住优秀人才至关重要。高校教师流动的社会融 入主要场域——院校、学科、市场都深刻地影响着流动教师的 融入行为。院校作为环境场、学科作为目的场、市场作为资源 场共同作用于流动教师的社会融入。不同类型流动教师的社会 融入方式存在着显著差别,战略型人才适合于“需求—供给” 型融入,领军型人才适合于“适度配合”型融入,而其他类型 人才适合于“目标—适应”型融入。因此,针对不同类型的流 动教师可以实施不同的社会融入策略。

Social Integration in the Mobility of Teachers in Colleges and Universities: Institutions, Disciplines and Markets

Author's Name: GAO Hui
The social integration of mobile teachers is very important for them to realize the expected valueadded of their own mobility and for universities to acquire and retain outstanding talents. The main field of social integration in the mobility of teachers in colleges and universities - institutions, disciplines, and markets - all deeply affect the integration of mobile teachers. They affect the interaction of mobile teachers together that institutions as the environment field, disciplines as the destination field, and market as a resource field. There are also significant differences in the social integration of different types of mobile teachers. The strategic talents are suitable for the type of "demand-supply" integration. The leading talents are suitable for the type of "moderate-coordination" integration, while other types of talents are suitable for "target-adaptation "type. Therefore, institutions can implement different social integration strategies for different types of mobile teachers.
Keywords: university teachers’ mobility; social integration; field; Integration form; integration strategy

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