

作    者:伍红林
单    位:江南大学
基金项目:江苏省十三五教育科学规划重点课题“学校 发展活力研究”
摘    要:
关键词:教师教育;教师教育治理;协同难题;治理创新;《教 师教育振兴行动计划(2018~2022)》

Dual Cooperation Problems and the Innovative Breakthrough on Teachers Education Governance

Author's Name: Wu Hong-lin
With the release of “Action Plan for Teacher Reinvigorating Education” (2018-2022), teacher education reform enters into a new spring. This reform brings opportunities to solve problems that must be solved, especially “the dual cooperation problem” of internal and external teacher education. Therefore, teacher education management needs to be transformed to teacher education governance and forms a compound mode of institutional supply. To be specific, teacher education governance should focus on the key issues such as the internal and external “dual cooperation problem” that restrict the development of teacher education. In internal training, the integration and governance of learning community and living community shall be strengthened to promote the solution of internal coordination problems caused by the contradiction between professionalism and normal education training. In external training, in order to promote the construction of “Teacher Education Innovation Experimental Area” and to solve the external cooperation problems efficiently, “concession of the profit” and “boundary leadership” shall be promoted.
Keywords: teacher education; teacher education governance; cooperation problems; governance innovation; Action Plan for Teacher Reinvigorating Education (2018-2022)

主办单位:湖南大学.中国机械工业教育协会 版权所有《大学教育科学》编辑部
地址:湖南长沙湖南大学 邮编:410082 电话:0731-88821123 苏ICP备09078051号-5