

作    者:张文
单    位:燕山大学,赣南师范学院
摘    要:

Thoughts on the Improvement of College Academic Accountability

Author's Name: Zhang Wen
In foreign countries, especially in developed countries such as Britain and America, the accountability system in the field of education management has been quite mature and perfect not only from system construction to legislation, but also from research to practice. However, the ongoing study of accountability in Chinese colleges and universities are still staying on the surface to explore. In particular, systematic research has not been conducted with regard to the practical problems of university academic accountability and thus practice needs to be further improved. Due to rapidly growing academic misconduct, it's essential for us to build up an academic ethics committee consisted mainly of scholars to make clear the real subjects and the responsibility involved. It is also necessary to get rid of the mixture of managers and researchers as a whole and abandon the usual quantitative way of performing research results. At the same time, an academic-oriented and academic-disciplined system with the idea of humanistic concern is also necessary.
Keywords: college and university; academic accountability; accountability system; accountability culture

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