

作    者:李宝斌 刘春花
单    位:湖南文理学院,华中科技大学
摘    要:

Debating on Transformation Development of Universities in the Process of Massification of Higher Education

Author's Name: LI Bao-bin LIU Chun-hua
In the stage of massification, great changes have taken place in higher education. Some argue that universities should change the development pattern and attach more importance to cultivating application-type talents. But this kind of development transformation cannot solve the difficulties of graduate employment effectively. Universities train "high potential" employees, rather than skilled workers or technicians. The best way to training professional skills is in practice, industries or enterprises have more advantages in the aspect of the applied technology education than universities. The former should not be absent, and the latter should not be offside in occupation education. Under the new situation, a comprehensive transformation easily leads to generalize university functions, and cover up its core function. After a comprehensive analysis, it shows that a moderate adjustment is in favor of the healthy and stable development of universities than a comprehensive transformation. It is also good for meeting the inner rule of higher education development.
Keywords: massification of higher education; colleges and universities; transformation of development

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